Kanavli (Sabbath cake)
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Posted by:irt
Enjoy this special Indian Sabbath cake, or “Kanavli,” for Saturday morning breakfast. For more information, visit www.jewsofindia.com.
1 pound rice
1 cup coconut milk
½ pound sugar molasses (or jaggery, if you can find it)
2 tablespoons sliced almonds
1 teaspoon cardamom powder
- Wash the rice and spread it on a baking sheet. Put into a pre-heated 300º F oven for 15 minutes, until the rice is roasted.
- Grind the mixture into small grains at low speed.
- Boil one cup of water and add molasses, stirring until it melts and the liquid becomes brownish. Add coconut milk and continue stirring.
- Add the rice grains and mix well. Let the mixture dry slowly over medium heat. Transfer to a baking dish and mix in sliced almonds and cardamom powder.
- Bake in a 350º F oven for 15 minutes.
- After the Kanavli is ready, let it cool outside the oven. Cut into pieces and serve.
Reader Comments
Kacy says...

This has made my day. I wish all potisngs were this good.
May 26, 2011 (report abuse)
Louie says...
This pontisg knocked my socks off
Apr 20, 2014 (report abuse)